I'm Sophie

An online entrepreneur daring to dream of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

This is where I start my new chapter

Sometimes it takes a giant leap of faith in order to get what you want. This is exactly what I needed to do when I started my online business.

You see, the idea of making money online didn't come naturally to me.

My background is in the community development, and not for profit sectors and I have always worked within organisations that align deeply with my values.

But, after I had my two children everything that I thought was important shifted.

They are now the centre of my universe, and my priorities are to have deep time and space for them. This means, I am no longer willing to have a job that takes all my time and energy. My biggest and most important work right now is to grow them up with the love, attention, and presence they need and deserve.

This also means doing the work on myself, so giving myself the same love, attention, and presence. The self-care that is vital in order to show up to your loved ones and the world with integrity and grace.

Getting to know yourself

There are a lot of different ways to make money online. When I first started looking into it, my first thought was to start an online store. It was going to be called Buy for Life, selling only products with a lifetime warranty. It was going to be amazing. Until it wasn't. Because, this business would need huge amounts of upfront inventory, and I would never have a holiday ever again!

Next stop was self-publishing. I actually got pretty far down this path and even published a book! Only to realise I would need to write a whole lifetime's worth of books in order to make a living in this space. It's also incredibly time consuming. And even though I really enjoyed it and want to keep writing books, it is ultimately what has led me to high ticket affiliate marketing. And I am so grateful to have not only stumbled on this new way of making a living online, but also having the courage to jump in head first.

With high-ticket affiliate marketing I am able to set up a relatively automated process. And once the initial work is done, it just requires small pockets of my time to keep it ticking over. It allows me to create a clear line in the sand between where the hours I invested in my business start and finish, and that my priority remains my family.

This is the dream.

Starting an Online Business

But…. and this is a very important but for me.

I don't want to just make money for the sake of making money. For me, whatever I invest my time and energy into has to have integrity, it has to be meaningful, and it has to have a purpose that goes beyond just my needs and wants.

As humans on this earth, we are constantly receiving gifts in the form of the air we breathe, the water we drink and in so many other subltle ways. For me, as a human on this earth, I see it as also my responsibility to make that relationship reciprocal and give back to our world in the same way that I receive from it daily.

So as part of my business I donate 10% of all my affiliate marketing profits to charitable organisations. This adds to my why and gives me purpose and reason that goes beyond just mine and my family's needs.

This is really important to me. It is my way of saying thank you to the beautiful world we call home and contributing to the lives of the people and the species on this planet who are less fortunate than me. It is about sharing the wealth and sharing the love.

I have always found the most pleasure in the simplest of things. Maybe it's looking at how beautiful a petal is when it falls off the flower and onto the bathroom sink, maybe it is simply watching the stars on a cool night when my kids are asleep. These things cannot be bought and sold and neither can a happy and meaningful life.

Money is simply a tool that we can use for exchange, it is not a be all and end all.

Finding Meaning and Purpose

​​When I started looking for an affiliate marketing program to partner with, it needed to tick all my boxes.

It needed to have heart, integrity, and soul, it needed to offer diversity with high and low ticket options, and it needed to be able to be run on automation (set and forget).

What the Freedom Formula Offers

The Freedom Formula is an online affiliate marketing course that has it's own in-built affiliate marketing program. So essentially, you can sell their courses as an affiliate whilst you are doing them. It’s run by two very down to earth Aussies, Jade and Kev.

What I love:

  • Extremely valuable course content that runs you through exactly what you need to do to set up an affiliate marketing business. Perfect for beginners. Including:

    • Choosing the right affiliate partners

    • Setting up your own website and/or landing page

    • How to attract leads

    • Creating an email funnel

    • Everything you need to know to set up a successful Instagram account

    • How to run social media ads (if you want to)

  • The option to partner with them as an affiliate with either their medium or high ticket options.

  • Access to a more advanced course that goes even deeper into creating a successful affiliate marketing business.

  • AND an incredibly valuable and beautiful personal development and mindset component.

My Preferred Affiliate Partner

​​Happiness is a group activity

Whilst working from home and having your own online business can be incredibly freeing, it’s also isolating.

I need relationships and connections. We all do. This was another reason I was drawn to the Freedom Formula’s program. They have a beautiful community of affiliates all carving out their own space in the world, and we all share with and support each other. We all have each other's backs. I have made some beautiful connections in this group, and I am so grateful for that.

Creating Meaningful Connections